The Rebirth Of The Goddess Collection is inspired by the Rising of the Divine Feminine. To rise in your Divine Feminine Power, you have to first know what it is. Divine Feminine Energy is the intuition, the inborn knowledge of what is right and wrong. Our conscious ability to care, nuture, love, create, feel emotions. It means honoring & loving all parts of us. This is an essential principle as we need love and care to develop healthy. The issue is that the matriarch has been taken out of her power, taking the back seat and looked upon as unimportant. People often think of femininity as surface level beauty, softness as weakness, or merely sexual . The system "society" does not honor the divine feminine. In western culture we aren't taught to honor our emotions, we are taught to intellectualize things, to put feelings last, therefore destroying essence of divine femininity. The system does not support the monthly cycle that a woman goes through which has been deemed almost insignificant. Even women have looked at it as burdensome because we were not taught how to work with these energies. We have only scratched the surface of what is happening within us. It is time to become aware of the "wisdom of the womb." The menustration is our inner guide to caring and supporting our natural processes each month. There are 4 phases Period, follicular, ovulation & luteal. Each phase has its purpose to serve us. Every period we go through a "death ", an ego death that is. We do not have the same energy as we did in the other phases of the cycle, we must surrender to our eternal state. This is our inner oracle (womb) telling us it is time to slow down, rest & repair. We have to make space for ourselves at this time & tune into our true feelings. It is a time to turn inward and care for ourselves, to reevaluate what isnt working for us anymore. This is a time to be vulnerable as we are most supported by nature in healing, releasing & transforming. This is our natural spiritual practice. When we ignore our menses we slowly lose vitality & groundedness. We become exhausted. Mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually out of balance. We then carry that energy throughout the rest of the month and continue to pile on more distress. Once we began to work with the four phases of our menstrual cycle we began to create harmony within and externally. (I will touch on the other phases in future blogs) The divine fem has to be connected to herself and lead with love, it is our inherint ability. We are the leaders of love and once we began to love all parts of ourselves we bring balance to the divine masculine also teaching them the same. We have to truly began to care about how we feel, that means being honest with ourselves about what we are experiencing, identifying our emotions, learning to care for ourselves & knowing what we need. It is imperative that we slow down at this time of the month, however society isn't set up that way so we have to begin making space to sit with our emotions, do nothing and just be sometimes. Being a mother, working woman, wife etc I understand the work is never done but we must say no and be selfish. This will work to bring us, harmony, flow, healing, regeneration, peace of mind and the changes we need to evolve. The patriarchy ruling has brought on immense destruction. The divine feminine and masculine must work together in order to achieve harmony. I wholeheartedly feel when the divine fem begins to heal and understand her power, a new world will be created. The divine feminine power is in her capacity to feel, love, create, nuture. Love is our highest state of being. The woman must first learn to love herself and everything else will fall into place. We have the responsibility of loving ourselves, therefore making space for others to love themselves. Self love is a journeyyyyyyyy wooo ! Its one step at a time, one day at a time. I'm here to help you understand the inner alchemy taking place so that you too can rise in your Divine Feminine Power. Red is a deeply powerful vibration, red is the blood of birth. It is the color of the potent life force energy we shed each month. Yes I'm talking BLOOD. That is why I decided to make the Rebirth Purse red. The Scarab Beetle is a potent symbol of immortality, protection, ressurection & transformation in ancient Egyptian Mythology. It aids the wearer of eternal renewal. Kinki Behavior stands for personal power!
This collection is designed 444 The Goddess by the Goddess <3
-Golden Moon